About workbooks you come across in a Tableau Online or Tableau Server site are created and published to the web using Tableau Desktop, or are created straight on the web. When Desktop is unavailable, you tin upload Tableau workbooks and Tableau packaged workbooks straight to your Tableau Online or Tableau Server site if you take a Creator and Explorer (tin can publish) site part.

Upload a new workbook to a Tableau site

To upload a workbook:

  1. Sign in to a site on Tableau Online or Tableau Server.
  2. From the Abode or Explore pages, select New > Workbook Upload.

  3. In the dialog that opens, practise either of the post-obit:
    • Select Choose a file to select a .twb or .twbx file from your computer
    • Drag and drop a file into the upload surface area of the dialog.

    Files must be 50 MB or smaller to be uploaded.

  4. In the Name field, enter a proper name for your workbook. By default, the workbook will retain the name of the file.
  5. Choose a project where your workbook volition be published, or exit as is to publish the workbook to the Default project.

    Note: You'll see a warning if the project already contains a workbook with the same proper name. You can override an existing workbook, or update the Name field to something else.

  6. Optionally, add a workbook description or select Show sheets equally tabs to provide tab-based navigation.

    How sheet tabs are configured also impacts permissions. When a workbook shows sheets as tabs, workbook-level permission rules are applied to the sheets. When the sheets are not shown as tabs, any changes made to workbook permissions practice not employ to the individual sheets (aka views). View-level permissions must be set independently. For more infomation, see the Prepare Content Permissions tab in the Permissions topic for more data.

  7. Select Upload.
  8. If the workbook is overwriting an existing workbook, confirm that y'all'd like to overwrite, or select Cancel to rename.

  9. When the workbook uploads successfully, you're directed to the kickoff canvass of the workbook.

Note: Uploading publishes every sheet in the workbook. To limit publishing to specific sheets, utilize Tableau Desktop to upload.

Permissions and data source connections

To upload a workbook, you lot must take permission to publish to the site and the project.

If your workbook uses an embedded data source that requires a password, you can embed credentials after you publish the workbook.

To edit the data source connection after uploading and publishing a workbook:

  • Open the workbook for editing, select the Data Source tab, and select Edit Connection.
  • From the Data Sources tab, select the Actions menu (...) and select Edit Connection.